Ms Emily

Hello everyone!

My name is Ms. Emily and this is my first year at Açı schools. I’m from Boston, Massachusetts, on the east coast of the US, but I haven’t lived there since I finished High School.
2961346819_bcd56c4693_zI studied sociology (especially the sociology of religion) and environmental science at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania, which looks a lot like Hogworts! This is a picture taken from the courtyard of the building in which I shared an office.

Since coming to Turkey I have taught undergraduate-level History and Composition (writing), and given lots of workshops and seminars for undergraduate and graduate students on how to do research, take notes, write exams, get articles published etc.

I also got my Masters degree in cultural studies, with a specialization in literary theory.

When I’m not at school, I love to read novels and literary theory, take pictures, hike at tree-line, and take my cat for walks. And I really really want to go parasailing the next time my husband and I visit his family in Antalya.

This is me and my husband on walk near our old home.

This is me and my husband on walk near our old home.

And we were in Rome over the summer holiday.

And we were in Rome over the summer holiday.

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