Archive | January, 2014

Semester Break Reading Homework

20 Jan

As you all know, over the semester break you will be reading a book of your choice.

Please make sure that your teacher has approved your book choice before you leareading homeworkve for the vacation!


Please prepare a presentation of your book using one of following: “Explain Everything” or “Keynote”.

In this presentation you should write about AT LEAST THREE of the following topics:


1. Describe the characters and their relationships to one another. How do the characters change from the beginning of the book until the end?

2. Describe the setting of the book. Where does the action take place? What is the time-period? How does the setting affect the characters or the plot?

3.What are the major themes in the book? What does the book say about these themes?

4. Why did you chose this book, and did you like it? Why or why not?


Your presentations should be sent via email to your teacher by MONDAY FEBRUARY 10th.


Have a great holiday!! 

Adjectives, Comparatives and Superlatives

17 Jan

Take a look at the PowerPoint below, to introduce you to the idea of adjectives, comparatives and superlatives. After you read through the PPT, use it to help you complete Page 11 in your Descriptive Writing workbook. Good luck!

Adjectives, Comparatives and Superlatives

Explain Everything – Descriptive Writing

9 Jan

You will be using the app Explain Everything to practice your descriptive writing this week. Choose two or three of the pictures below to download onto your iPad, then open Explain Everything and use the picture for the activity.

To download a picture, press and hold on the photo, then tap Save to Camera Roll.

Photos of the year - 2013

Photos of the year - 2013

Performance HW Information

3 Jan

For all of the information you need to know about the Performance HW assignment, click on the following link:


Let’s LISTEN to A Christmas Carol!

2 Jan

Video of the Week!

2 Jan