Archive | February, 2014

Miss Fiona’s Famous Recipe!

21 Feb

For those of you who loved Miss Fiona’s famous Mars Bar Slices at the bake sale on Friday, now’s your chance to make them yourself at home!

Click on the following link for the recipe. Important note: Miss Fiona used honey instead of golden syrup.

Mars Bar Slices


Weekend Homework: Describe Your Favorite Art

20 Feb

For the weekend homework, your assignment is to describe in detail a piece of art. Here are the guidelines:

  • You can choose any piece of art you like. If you can’t find one yourself, you may choose one of the examples below.
  • Write the description on a single PowerPoint or Keynote slide, directly on top of the painting
  • Include at least 6 adjectives from the list of words below, and explain how the painting specifically fits each of those adjectives
  • Include the name of the artist and the painting in your description
  • Email the slide (as a PPT or PDF) to your teacher before 8 a.m. Monday, 24 February.

Here is the list of adjectives to choose from:

abstract,  evocative, lifelike, natural, realistic, flowing, simple, subtle, angular, swirling, bold, vibrant, pale, earthy, clear, depressing, cluttered, chaotic, calm, peaceful, tranquil, distorted, geometric, fun, happy, intense, romantic, warm, scary, confusing.

Below are some pieces of art you can choose if you’re stuck. Good luck!



“Starry Night,” by Vincent van Gogh



“Still Life on a Pedestal Table,” by Pablo Picasso


“The Night Watch,” by Rembrandt van Rijn


“Camille Monet and Child in Artist’s Garden,” by Claude Monet



“The Persistence of Memory,” by Salvador Dali

Examples of Descriptive Writing

7 Feb

To help you learn how to write a descriptive paragraph, below are some samples of writing that use descriptive writing techniques to make the subject come alive. Click on the paragraph with the number you are assigned, read it, then answer the questions. Good luck!

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Paragraph 5